Saturday, January 14, 2012

{{Portraits}} Emily is Twenty-One

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite people.... Miss Emily Reed (sister-in-law)!! This girl is the sweetest, kindest girl you will ever meet. Absolutely beautiful inside and out and wise beyond her years.

~When my husband (Emily's older brother) was deployed to Afghanistan for a year she came to live with me and my 1 1/2 year old daughter to help out. She transferred from her job at Starbucks straight to the one close by our house. Even though we had to get used to living with each other we had a blast! Lots of bonding emotionally and growing together. So when it was time for her 21st birthday I had to something really special for her! I decided to hide 21 presents around the house and give her (nicely decorated) clues each day leading up to her birthday to match the theme of her birthday. Which was peacocks, so blues, purples, green and gold it was fun! So among those presents was a special photo session of just her! Her birthday was in June, however we didn't get around to doing the pictures til September. We also had only a short amount of time to do them too. But I think they came out great. She looks gorgeous!! So here she is ladies and 'gents Miss Emily Reed!!!~


This is definitely my favorite!!

Emily is now currently in Morocco with a team from YWAM (Youth. With. A. Mission) witnessing to the people there about God! We are very proud of her! If you would like to read about her journey or support her financially, here is a link to her blog. 

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